venerdì 21 dicembre 2018

One solution ... chasing his problem ...

  I reflected ... 
The human mind is chasing things simple and complex things, often the metamorphosis of aspects of the two substances are revealed such  problems, these new concepts invite us to find the solution.  
Other times the intuitive consciousness shows us a solution ... but without letting us know the problem, we act accordingly, because it is a truth that we recognize more than what we already knew.  
A problem then is nothing but the reflection of a solution ... we would think, and thus was born the first solution of his problem. 

In this context, the mental stillness offers only problems ... while an impersonal attitude in assessing the thesis and antithesis, offers an insight to understand attitudes in which we live and that influence us in forms and aspects of life, without us "realize" . 

Everything is simple, everything is complex, but the watching us behind the scenes promises unexpected results ... as a solution chasing his problem. "


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La Porta passaggio dimensionale.

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