sabato 21 settembre 2019

Unwired pleasure and love wishes ...

Unwired pleasure and love wishes ...

The personality often ... dictates a doing linked to one's ego and one's ego, but finds no recipe beyond the complications of life, "thoughts and actions against" leave a do as there is no love just to be balanced .

Blinded in their feelings, torn by an uncertain journey of pleasure, suffering to never find a "right shirt", they sway between unfulfilled desires and uncomprehended loves.

 It is the moment of indifference, and of nausea for oneself and for others, the world is foreign to all its proposals ... life always sways in a vanity never enjoyed, that world of pleasure and enjoyment that we would like to fulfill as a commandment without appeal, we feel that it is also ours ... but it remains unfinished, as if burned by arson.

The fraud, a world without certain borders, without a light that massages one's pain.

One is in the trap of the mind and the heart, never used with that joy of living, in the reality of exchanges with others ... or "other worlds".

In this metamorphosis life seems to slip on the tyrannical altars of the cold of hypocrisy, in the lying analysis of themselves, never tamed in hurting themselves, always intoxicated with specious resources to nourish a mind that does not reason.

Even those who live with these characteristics are part of a vast world ... evil and unreliable, but very sick, therefore in need of care.

Here ... this analysis is verified by the knowledge of truth, by facts and experiences of the researcher ... but who takes or will take care of these patients who increase in number and claims? 

Giorgio Scrittore

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