martedì 19 maggio 2020


Original link from which the translation with Google Translate was made.

I would like to share with you what I have perceived of the virus these days, perhaps this alternative image could help.

For some time now I have been in contact with the subtle face of diseases and in particular just last summer I came into contact with the pertussis virus.

A big outbreak had occurred in the school of our village and my children also got sick! Honestly, I experienced that period really badly, I'm used to seeing them generally healthy and in those weeks of almost suffocating cough, I questioned myself both as a mother and as a therapist. For not having protected them, for not having seen the problem "in time" (doctors said it was bronchitis, only the blood test prescribed a month later confirmed the true nature of the cough).

Today, given the current situation, I can't help thinking about the experience of a few months ago about why that horrible cough had come to our house.

Desperate to see them feel bad and suffocate, in addition to using all possible natural and allopathic remedies, I also tried to intervene with Energy.

One evening, while watching a movie, my son Nathann had a severe coughing crisis and I, not knowing what to do anymore, took him in my arms, placing my hands at the level of his brochi and lungs. I then let them immerse themselves in the etheric counterpart of these organs, making them act together with my gaze which also penetrated.

What I saw was a real revelation: attached to the bronchi were green "little creatures" with features similar to "gremlins", but instead of the limbs they had multiple branches of suckers that were going to clog them.

These "little creatures" were the subtle face of the disease!

Nathann's bronchi had become their home .. but for what reason?

I plunged my gaze even deeper, in the grimace grimace of one of the gremlins, to better understand its mission and I saw their possibility of grasping only those who doubt life, those who fear their own death or their loved ones.

For me it was an illumination! I remembered that two mothers from my children's school had died (which is more like a big family, given only 40 students) and I understood the connection between whooping cough and the experience that the children of that school had just lived a few months earlier .

The children of that school had been confronted with the theme of death and the doubt had arisen in them that their parents might die.

It was very clear. I appealed to what is most beautiful in this Universe and I sent Light and Love to the lungs of my son and his soul, so that he perceived that in this life or in the life Beyond he could always count on my Presence.

The "little creatures", no longer enduring the high vibration that was being installed and no longer having the grip of the fear of death and abandonment, were forced to leave.

This experience was instrumental in understanding the virus circulating today.

I want to clarify that we are NOT victims of these presences, they continuously inhabit the subtle space that surrounds us in their physical manifestation (viruses and bacteria). They are extremely connected to the wills of life and it is we who activate them or recall them to us when we are no longer aligned with our soul.
The human being is conceived by very high cosmic forces, our true nature is the Light and in that light nothing could scratch us, but from our birth, day after day and according to our daily experience, we move away from our true nature, weakening both energetically and physically.
These viruses and / or bacteria, therefore, are not enemies, they are at the service of the Universe to show us how far we have moved away from our original state of Consciousness. They are servants of life itself.
In fact, the moment I got in touch with them through Nathann, I was neither scared nor disgusted, but love and respect for the role they had chosen to play in the joust of Life.

So why am I telling you all this ...

In recent days I have received several requests from friends and acquaintances who have been touched by the virus and after gaining experience a few months ago, I asked to get in touch with its astral counterpart.

The circulating C virus has subtle characteristics very different from the common viruses.

When I got in touch with him, he turned to me by talking to me firsthand, which is absolutely not common in other viruses, to which I respond to superior intelligence. He also appeared to me as a true "freelancer" who works for himself, programmed for a specific purpose.

This says two things: first, I am confirmed that it was created by man and not by Mother Nature (who on the net seems safe now); second, is that it does not respond to the Laws of Resonance in man, as other viruses do, because, not being at the service of Life, it does not come to show us how far we have gone from our Divine Nature, but has the task of strengthening and realizing mission for which it was programmed.

This being is one of the hands of an occult regime of power, which in addition to having strong and deep roots in our social system, is a regime that perfectly knows the energetic counterpart of existence and uses it masterfully.
This regime does not want our Awakening and will install existential fears in us to make us give up our physical and spiritual freedom.

Humanity is going through an epochal change, a vibrational change. What does this change imply? The proximity to a state of Consciousness and to a world less distant and less separated from the Source.

To do this, changes are needed in us to increase our vibrations (degree of light and therefore or love)
In this era, the quantum leap that is required of us is that man comes out of the Ego.

The ego is what makes us believe we are "only" mind, emotions and physical body and it is what makes us believe we are separate from others, from nature, from God (or "divine" as you prefer);

it is what separates us from our true identity which is the soul, identity that knows no End.

The forces of non-love do not want this change in us and they will invent everything to keep us in Oblivion .. and for this purpose, what is better for them than fear?

Whether this situation is created on purpose or not does not matter, but it is certainly a great opportunity to stop! Only in Silence can we listen to the soul and all its truths!

We have the opportunity to free ourselves from the fear of dying, we have the opportunity to stand still, inside, and meditate. The great world mechanism has stopped and we continue to be in the chaotic noise of having to do, understand, explain ... this shows us that unfortunately we are the ones feeding this world.

Then enough ...

The grip of a regime of power is undoubtedly making itself felt more and more, but I think that only by embodying a more silent, authentic state of being can we take away its power.

In these days we do nothing but feed the chaos, even with our multiple group meditations, channels and more.

I am not saying not to meditate or not to find a connection, but how many of these gestures are still polarized on doing and how many on Being?

All these meditations are creating large thin reservoirs around the planet, doubtless positive reservoirs, but many of which feed a layer that separates from the Source.

It is difficult for me to say these things (and I am sure to draw the disappointment of many), but also our positive doing is sometimes an ignorant and noisy doing. I say this without accusation and judgment, I myself would be the first to organize meditations to counterbalance the fear, but without knowing the exact plan of what is happening, where we channel our prayers and meditations? How will they manifest themselves in the subtle?

We meditate yes, but with humility, in Silence and in Harmony with Life. In Silence we will be able to Listen and in Lucidity we will be able to See.

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